

Artigos científicos (peer-reviewed)




Marchese, C., Hunt, B.P.V., Giannini, F., Ehrler M., Costa, M. 2022. Bioregionalization of the coastal and open oceans of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska based on Sentinel-3A satellite-derived phytoplankton seasonality. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:968470.

Nasiha HJ, Wang Z, Giannini F and Costa M (2022) Spatial Variability of In Situ Above-Water Reflectance in Coastal Dynamic Waters: Implications for Satellite Match-Up Analysis. Front. Remote Sens. 3:876748.

Carvalho, A.C.O., Kerr, R., Tavano, V.M., Mendes, C.R.B. The southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf biogeochemical divide. Biogeochemistry 158, p. 1, 2022.

Costa, R.R., Mendes, C.R.B., de Souza, M.S., Tavano, V.M., Secchi, E.R. Chemotaxonomic characterization of the key genera of diatoms in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 94, p. e20210584, 2022.

Ferreira, A., Brito, A.C., Mendes, C.R.B., Brotas, V., Costa, R.R., Guerreiro, C.V., Sá, C., Jackson, T. OC4-SO: A New Chlorophyll-a Algorithm for the Western Antarctic Peninsula Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, v. 14, p. 1052, 2022.


Silveira, SB, Odebrecht, C. Effects of light intensity and nutrients (N and P) on growth, toxin concentration, heterocyte formation and akinete germination of Nodularia spumigena (Cyanobacteria).  Hydrobiologia 848, 4387-4400 (2021).

Costa, R.R., Mendes, C.R.B., Ferreira, A. et al. 2021Large diatom bloom off the Antarctic Peninsula during cool conditions associated with the 2015/2016 El Niño. Commun Earth Environ 2, 252.

Couto, C., Hernández, C.P., Alves Sobrinho, R.C.M., Mendes, C.R.B., Roselet, F., Abreu, P.C. Optimization of a low-cost fertilizer-based medium for large-scale cultivation of the coastal diatom Conticribra weissflogii using response surface methodology and its effects on biomass composition. Journal of Applied Phycology, v. 33, p. 2767-2781.

Travers-Smith, H., Giannini, F., Sastri, A.R., Costa, M., 2021. Validation of Non-photochemical Quenching Corrections for Chlorophyll-a Measurements Aboard Ships of Opportunity. Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 1–15.

Carvalho ACO, Kerr R, Mendes CRB, Azevedo JLL, Tavano VM (2021). Phytoplankton Strengthen CO2 Uptake in the South Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 190: 102476.

Giannini F, Mendes CRB, Garcia CAE, Carvalho ACO, Ciotti A (2021). Phytoplankton community and the fluorescence-derived photo-physiological parameters in the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems 218: 103538.

Giannini, F, Hunt, BPV, Jacoby, D, Costa, M (2021). Performance of OLCI Sentinel-3A satellite in the Northeast Pacific coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 256: 112317.


Ferreira A, Costa RR, Tiago Dotto TS, Kerr R, Tavano VM, Brito AC, Brotas V, Eduardo Resende Secchi ER, Carlos Rafael Borges Mendes CRB (2020). Changes in Phytoplankton Communities along the Northern Antarctic Peninsula: causes, impacts and research priorities. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 576254.

Costa RR, Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Dotto TS, Kerr R, Monteiro T, Odebrecht C, Secchi ER (2020). Dynamics of an intense diatom bloom in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, February 2016. Limnology and Oceanography 65: 2056-2075.

Colusse GA, Mendes CRB, Duarte MER, de Carvalho JC, Noseda, MD (2020). Effects of different culture media on physiological features and laboratory scale production cost of Dunaliella salina. Biotechnology Reports 27: e00508.

Hughes, D.J., Giannini, F.C., Ciotti, A.M., Doblin, M.A., Ralph, P.J., Varkey, D., Verma, A., Suggett, D.J., 2020. Taxonomic variability in the electron requirement for carbon fixation across marine phytoplankton. Journal of Phycology.

Possamai B ; HOEINGHAUS, D. J. ; ODEBRECHT, C. ; Abreu, P.C. ; MORAES, L. E. ; SANTOS, A. ; Garcia, A. M. . Freshwater inflow variability affects the relative importance of allochthonous sources for estuarine fishes.. Estuaries and Coasts, v. 43, p. 880-893, 2020.


Carvalho ACO, Mendes CRB, Kerr R, Azevedo JLL, Galdino F, Tavano VM (2019). The impact of mesoscale eddies on the phytoplankton community in the South Atlantic Ocean: HPLC-CHEMTAX approach. Marine Environmental Research 144: 154-165.

Lima CR, Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Detoni MAS, Secchi ER (2019). Chemotaxonomy-based mapping of phytoplankton communities in the subtropical Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, with emphasis on the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Progress in Oceanography 172: 77-88.

Garcia, A. M. ; OLIVEIRA, M. ; Odebrecht, Clarisse ; COLLING, A. L. ; VIEIRA, J. P. ; RODRIGUES, F. L. ; BASTOS, R. . Allochthonous versus autochthonous organic matter sustaining macroconsumers in a subtropical sandy beach revealed by stable isotopes. Marine Biology Research, v. 15, p. 241-258, 2019.

SILVEIRA, SAVÊNIA B. ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Growth, Toxin Production, and Akinete Germination of the Cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 6, p. 339-12, 2019.


Kerr R, Mendes CRB, Secchi ER, Mata MM (2018). Northern Antarctic Peninsula: a marine climate hotspot of rapid changes on ecosystems and ocean dynamics. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 4-9.

Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Dotto TS, Kerr R, de Souza MS, Garcia CAE, Secchi ER (2018). New insights on the dominance of cryptophytes in Antarctic coastal waters: a case study in Gerlache Strait. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 161-170.

Orselli I, Kerr R, Ito R, Tavano V, Mendes CRB, Garcia CAE (2018). How fast is the Patagonian shelf-break acidifying? Journal of Marine Systems 178:1–14.

Ciotti, A.M., Ferreira, A., Giannini, M.F.C., 2018. Seasonal and event-driven changes in the phytoplankton communities in the Araçá Bay and adjacent waters. Ocean and Coastal Management. 164, 14–31.

Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Kerr R, Dotto TS, Maximiano T, Secchi ER (2018). Impact of sea ice on the structure of phytoplankton communities in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 111-123.

Kerr R, Orselli IBM, Lencina-Avila JM, Eidt RT, Mendes CRB, da Cunha LC, Goyet C, Mata MM, Tavano VM (2018). Carbonate system properties in the Gerlache Strait, Northern Antarctic Peninsula (February 2015): I. Sea-Air CO2 fluxes. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 171-181.

Kerr R, Goyet C, da Cunha LC, Orselli IBM, Lencina-Avila JM, Mendes CRB, Carvalho-Borges M, Mata MM, Tavano VM (2018). Carbonate system properties in the Gerlache Strait, Northern Antarctic Peninsula (February 2015): II. Anthropogenic CO2 and Seawater Acidification. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 182-192.

Ito R, Tavano V, Mendes CRB, Garcia CAE (2018). Sea-air CO2 fluxes and pCO2 variability in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula during three summer periods (2008−2010). Deep-Sea Research II 149: 84-98.

Russo A, Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Garcia CAE (2017). Spatial variability of photophysiology and primary production rates of the phytoplankton communities across the western Antarctic Peninsula in late summer 2013. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 99-110.

Pillai HUK, Anilkumar N, Achuthankutty C, Mendes CRB, Sabu P, Jayalakshmi KV, Asha Devi CR, Deepti D, Jenson VG, Sini P, Hari DCK, Tripathy SC, Bhasker PV, Menon NR (2018). Planktonic food web structure at SSTF and PF in the Indian sector of Southern Ocean during austral summer 2011. Polar Research 37: 1495545.

da Cunha LC, Hamacher C, Mata M, Kerr R, Mendes CRB, Farias CO (2018). Contrasting end-summer distribution of organic carbon along the Gerlache Strait, Northern Antarctic Peninsula: Bio-physical interactions. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 206-217.

Seyboth E, Botta S, Mendes CRB, Negrete J, Dalla Rosa L, Secchi ER (2018). Isotopic evidence of the effect of warming on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research II 149: 218-228.

Neto WF, Mendes CRB, Abreu PC (2018). Carotenoid production by the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata in different low-cost culture media. Aquaculture Research 49: 2527-2535.

Gonçalves-Araujo R, de Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Souza R, Tavano VM, Schultz C, Pollery R (2018). Phyto- and Protozooplankton Assemblages and Hydrographic Variability During an early Winter Survey in the Southern Brazilian Continental Shelf. Journal of Marine Systems 184: 36-49.

de Souza MM, Mendes CRB, Doncato KB, Badiale-Furlong E, Costa CSB (2018). Growth, Phenolics, Photosynthetic Pigments, and Antioxidant Response of Two New Genotypes of Sea Asparagus (Salicornia neei Lag.) to Salinity under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Agriculture 8: 115.


Islabão C, Mendes CRB, Detoni A, Odebrecht C (2017). Phytoplankton community structure in relation to hydrographic features along a coast-to-offshore transect on the SW Atlantic Continental Shelf. Continental Shelf Research 151:30–39.

Ferreria A, Ciotti AM, Mendes CR, Uitz J, Bricaud A (2017). Phytoplankton light absorption and the package effect in relation to photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments in the northern tip of Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 122: 7344-7363.

Gonçalves VN, Vitoreli GA, Menezes GCA, Mendes CR, Secchi ER, Rosa CA, Rosa LH (2017). Taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology of cultivable fungi present in seawater gradients across the Northern Antarctica Peninsula. Extremophiles 21: 1005-1015.

Araujo MLV, Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Garcia CAE, Baringer MON (2017). Contrasting patterns of phytoplankton pigments and chemotaxonomic groups along 30S in the subtropical South Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research part I 120: 112-121.

Mendes CRB, Odebrecht C, Tavano VM, Abreu PC (2017). Pigment-based chemotaxonomy of phytoplankton in Patos Lagoon estuary (Brazil) and adjacent coast. Marine Biology Research 13: 22-35.

Giannini, M.F.C., Harari, J., Ciotti, A.M. 2017. The use of CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) to trace the dynamics of total suspended matter at an urbanized coastal area. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. v. 65(2), p. 309-323.

Odebrecht, Clarisse; SECCHI, EDUARDO RESENDE; Abreu, Paulo Cesar ; MUELBERT, José Henrique ; UIBLEIN, FRANZ . Biota of the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coast: long-term changes induced by natural and human-related factors. Marine Biology Research (Print), v. 13, p. 3-8, 2017.

SILVEIRA, S. B. ; WASIELESKI, W. ; ANDREOTI, A. P. D. ; FIORE, M. F. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Morphology, phylogeny, growth rate and nodularin production of Nodularia spumigena from Brazil. Marine Biology Research, v. 13, p. 1095-1107, 2017.


Leal MC, Cruz ICS, Mendes CRB, Calado R, Kikuchi RKP, Rosa R, Soares AMVM, Serôdio J, Rocha RJM (2016). Photobiology of the zoanthid Zoanthus sociatus in intertidal and subtidal habitats. Marine and Freshwater Research 67: 1991-1997. 

Islabão C, Mendes CRB, Russo ADPG, Odebrecht C (2016). Effects of irradiance on growth, pigment content and photosynthetic efficiency on three peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 485: 7382.

Santos GC, Kerr R, Azevedo JLL, Mendes CRB, Cunha LC (2016). Influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water on the deoxygenation of the Atlantic Ocean. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 76:7282.

Gonçalves-Araujo R, de Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Garcia VMT, Garcia CAE (2016). Seasonal change of phytoplankton (spring vs. summer) in the Southern Patagonian shelf. Continental Shelf Research 124:142152.

Giannini, M.F.C. and Ciotti, A.M. 2016. Parameterization of natural phytoplankton photo-physiology: Effects of cell size and nutrient concentration. Limnology and Oceanography. v. 61, p. 1495 - 1512.

DA SILVA MARIA, LUCAS ; DE OLIVEIRA DA ROCHA FRANCO, ANDRÉA ; Odebrecht, Clarisse ; GIROLDO, DANILO ; Abreu, Paulo C. . Carbohydrates produced in batch cultures of the surf zone diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis sensu lato: Influence in vertical migration of the microalga and in bacterial abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 474, p. 126-132, 2016.

POPI, R. V. ; RIGONATO, J. ; ABREU, V. A. C. ; ANDREOTE, A. P. D. ; SILVEIRA, S. B. ; ODEBRECHT, C. ; FIORE, M. F. . Draft Genome Assembly of the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena Strain CENA596 in Shrimp Production Ponds. Genome Announcements, v. 4, p. e00466-16, 2016.

DE OLIVEIRA DA ROCHA FRANCO, ANDRÉA ; They, N. H ; CANANI, L. G. C. ; MAGGIONI, R. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Asterionellopsis tropicalis (Bacillariophyceae): a new tropical species found in diatom accumulations. Journal of Phycology, v. 52, p. 888-895, 2016.

MARTINS, TATIANA G ; Odebrecht, Clarisse ; JENSEN, LUCIANO V ; D'OCA, MARCELO GM ; WASIELESKY, WILSON . The contribution of diatoms to bioflocs lipid content and the performance of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in a BFT culture system. Aquaculture Research (Print), v. 47, p. 1315-1326, 2016.

Abreu, Paulo Cesar ; MARANGONI, JULIANO ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . So close, so far: differences in long-term chlorophyll a variability in three nearby estuarine-coastal stations. Marine Biology Research (Print), v. 13, p. 1-13, 2016.


Sá C, D'Alimonte D, Brito AC, Kajiyama T, Mendes CR, Vitorino J, Oliveira PB, da Silva JCB, Brotas V (2015). Validation of standard and alternative satellite ocean-color chlorophyll products off Western Iberia. Remote Sensing of Environment 168:403419.

Mendes CRB, Kerr R, Tavano VM, Cavalheiro FA, Garcia CAE, Dessai DRG, Anilkumar N (2015). Cross-front phytoplankton pigments and chemotaxonomic groups in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 118:221232.

Russo ADPG, de Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Jesus B, Tavano VM, Garcia CAE (2015). Photophysiological effects of Fe concentration gradients on diatom-dominated phytoplankton assemblages in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 466:4958.

Cruz ICS, Leal MC, Mendes CRB, Kikuchi RKP, Rosa R, Soares AMVM, Serôdio J, R, Calado M, Rocha RJ (2015). White but not bleached: photophysiological evidence from white Montastraea cavernosa reveals potential overestimation of coral bleaching. Marine Biology, 162:889899.

Brito AC, Sá C, Mendes CR, Brand T, Dias AM, Brotas V, Davidson K (2015). Structure of late summer phytoplankton community in the Firth of Lorn (Scotland) using microscopy and HPLC-CHEMTAX. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 167:86101.

Odebrecht, Clarisse; ABREU, P. C. ; Carstensen, J. . Retention time generates short-term phytoplankton blooms in a shallow microtidal subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Print), v. 162, p. 35-44, 2015.

HARAGUCHI, L. ; Carstensen, J. ; ABREU, P. C. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Long-term changes of the phytoplankton community and biomass in the subtropical shallow Patos Lagoon Estuary, Brazil. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Print), v. 162, p. 76-87, 2015.

MENEZES, Mariangela ; BICUDO, C. E. M. ; MOURA, C. W. N. ; ODEBRECHT, C. ; AL, E. . Update of the Brazilian floristic list of Algae and Cyanobacteria. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 66, p. 1047-1062, 2015.


Ferreira, A., Ciotti, A.M., Giannini, M.F.C. 2014. Variability in the light absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, non-algal particles, and colored dissolved organic matter in a subtropical bay (Brazil). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. v. 139, p. 127-136.

DUARTE, A. K. ; KINAS, P. G. ; MUXAGATA, E. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Zooplankton biomass in the Subtropical Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: relationships with environmental factors and chlorophyll a. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, v. 9, p. 239-261, 2014.

CARDOZO, ALESSANDRO PEREIRA ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . Effects of shrimp pond water on phytoplankton: importance of salinity and trophic status of the receiving environment. Aquaculture Research (Print), v. 45, p. 1600-1610, 2014.

ODEBRECHT, C.; DU PREEZ, DEREK R. ; ABREU, Paulo Cesar Oliveira Vergne de ; CAMPBELL, EILEEN E. . Surf zone diatoms: A review of the drivers, patterns and role in sandy beaches food chains. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Print), v. 150, p. 24-35, 2014.


Mendes CRB, Tavano VM, Leal MC, de Souza MS, Brotas V, Garcia CAE (2013). Shifts in the dominance between diatoms and cryptophytes during three late summers in the Bransfield Strait (Antarctic Peninsula). Polar Biology, 36:537−547.

Giannini, M.F.C., Garcia, C.A.E., Tavano, V.M. Ciotti, A.M. 2013. Effects of low-salinity and high-turbidity waters on empirical ocean colour algorithms: An example for Southwestern Atlantic waters. Continental Shelf Research. v. 59, p. 84 - 96. 

Ferreira A, Stramski D, Garcia CAE, Tavano VM, Ciotti AM, Mendes CRB (2013). Variability in light absorption and scattering of phytoplankton in Patagonian waters: Role of community size structure and pigment composition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118:698−714.

Brito AC, Benyoucef I, Jesus B, Brotas V, Gernez P, Mendes CR, Launeau P, Dias MP, Barillé L (2013). Seasonality of microphytobenthos revealed by remote-sensing in a South European estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 66:83−91.

Brotas V, Brewin RJ, Sá C, Brito A, Silva A, Mendes CRB, Diniz T, Kaufmann M, Tarran G, Groom SB, Platt T, Sathyendranath S (2013). Deriving phytoplankton size classes from satellite data: Validation along a trophic gradient in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 134:66−77.


Gonçalves-Araujo R, de Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Garcia VMT, Pollery R, Garcia CAE (2012). Brazil-Malvinas confluence: effects of environmental variability on phytoplankton community structure. Journal of Plankton Research, 34:399−415. 

Mendes CRB, de Souza MS, Garcia VMT, Leal MC, Brotas V, Garcia CAE (2012). Dynamics of phytoplankton communities during late summer around the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research part I, 65:1−14. 

de Souza MS, Mendes CRB, Garcia VMT, Pollery R, Brotas V (2012). Phytoplankton community during a coccolithophorid bloom in the Patagonian shelf: microscopic and high-performance liquid chromatography pigment analyses. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92:13−27. 

Moser, G.A.O., Ciotti, A.M., Giannini, M.F.C., Tonini, R.T., Harari, J. 2012. Changes in phytoplankton composition in response to tides, wind-induced mixing conditions, and freshwater outflows in an urbanized estuarine complex. Brazilian Journal of Biology. v. 72(1), p. 97 - 111.

GODOY, L. C. ; ODEBRECHT, C. ; BALLESTER, E. ; MARTINS, T. G. ; WASIELESKI, W. . Effect of diatom supplementation during the nursery rearing of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in a heterotrophic culture system. Aquaculture International, v. 20, p. 559-569, 2012.

Piedras, F. R. ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . The response of surf-zone phytoplankton to nutrient enrichment (Cassino Beach, Brazil). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 432-43, p. 156-161, 2012.

Garcia, M. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Remarks on the morphology and distribution of some rare centric diatoms in southern Brazilian continental shelf and slope waters. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (Online), v. 60, p. 415-427, 2012.


Mendes CR, Sá C, Vitorino J, Borges C, Garcia VMT, Brotas V (2011). Spatial distribution of phytoplankton assemblages in the Nazaré submarine canyon region (Portugal): HPLC-CHEMTAX approach. Journal of Marine Systems, 87:90101.

HAGSTROM, J. A. ; GRANELI, E. ; MOREIRA, M. O. P. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Domoic acid production and elemental composition of two Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries strains from the NW and SW Atlantic Ocean, growing in phosphorus- or nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures. Journal of Plankton Research, v. 33, p. 297-308, 2011.

CARDOSO, A.P. ; BRITTO, V. O. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Temporal variability of plankton and nutrients in shrimp culture ponds vs. adjacent estuarine water. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, v. 6, p. 28-43, 2011.

Islabão, Carolina Antuarte ; Odebrecht, Clarisse. Dinoflagelados (Peridiniales, Prorocentrales) do microplâncton na plataforma continental e talude do extremo sul do Brasil (inverno 2005, verão 2007). Biota Neotropica, v. 11, p. 153-166, 2011.


Abreu, Paulo C. ; BERGESCH, Marli ; Proença, Luis A. ; Garcia, Carlos A. E. ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . Short- and Long-Term Chlorophyll a Variability in the Shallow Microtidal Patos Lagoon Estuary, Southern Brazil. Estuaries and Coasts , v. 33, p. 554-569, 2010.

Haraguchi, Lumi ; Odebrecht, Clarisse . Dinophysiales (Dinophyceae) no extremo Sul do Brasil (inverno de 2005, verão de 2007). Biota Neotropica , v. 10, p. 101-114, 2010.

Odebrecht, Clarisse; BERGESCH, Marli ; Rörig, Leonardo Rubi ; Abreu, Paulo C. . Phytoplankton Interannual Variability at Cassino Beach, Southern Brazil (1992-2007), with Emphasis on the Surf Zone Diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis. Estuaries and Coasts , v. 33, p. 570-583, 2010.


ODEBRECHT, C.; ABREU, P. C. ; Möller, O. O. ; NIENCHESKI, L. F. ; PROENÇA, L. A. ; TORGAN, L. C. . Drought effects on pelagic properties in the shallow and turbid Patos Lagoon, Brazil. Estuaries , Estados Unidos, v. 28, n.5, p. 675-685, 2005.


CIOTTI, A. M. ; ODEBRECHT, C. ; FILLMANN, G. ; MOLLER JR, O. O. . Freshwater outflow and subtropical convergence influence on phytoplankton biomass in the southern Brazilian continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research , INGLATERRA, v. 15, n.14, p. 1737-1756, 1995.



Seeliger, U. ; Odebrecht, C. . O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos: um século de transformações.. 1. ed. Rio Grande: Editora da FURG, 2010. v. 01. 160 p.p.

Seeliger, U. ; Odebrecht, C. ; Castello, J. P. . Os Ecossistemas Costeiro e Marinho do extremo Sul do Brasil. RIO GRANDE: ECOSCIENTIA, 1998. v. ÚNICO. 326p

Seeliger, U. ; Odebrecht, C. ; Castello, J. P. . Subtropical Convergence Environments, the coast and sea in the Southwestern Atlantic. 01. ed. HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 1997. v. 01. 308p.


Capítulos de livros (desde 2010):

Odebrecht, Clarisse; Villac, Maria C. ; Abreu, Paulo C. ; Haraguchi, Lumi ; Gomes, Piter D. F. ; TENENBAUM, Denise Rivera . Flagellates Versus Diatoms: Phytoplankton Trends in Tropical and Subtropical Estuarine-Coastal Ecosystems. In: Hoofmeyer, M; Sabatini, M; Brandini, F; Calliari, D; Santinelli, M.. (Org.). Plankton Ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, v. , p. 249-267. 

Odebrecht, Clarisse; Abreu, Paulo Cesar ; BEMVENUTI, C. E. ; COLLING, A. L. ; COPERTINO, M. ; COSTA, C. B. S. ; Garcia, A. M. ; MARANGONI, J. C. ; MÖLLER JR, Osmar O ; MUELBERT, José Henrique ; VIEIRA, J. P. ; SEELIGER, U. . O Efeito de Perturbações Naturais e Antrópicas na Ecologia do Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. In: Marcelo Tabarelli, Carlo frederico Duarte da Rocha, Helena Piccoli Romanowski, Odete Rocha, Luiz Drude de Lacerda. (Org.). PELD ? CNPq : dez anos do Programa de Pesquisas Ecológicas de Longa Duração do Brasil : achados, lições e perspectivas.. 1ed.Reccife, PE: Editora Universitária da UFPE, 2013, v. unico, p. 223-248. 

ODEBRECHT, C.; ABREU, P. C. ; BEMVENUTI, C. E. ; COPPERTINO, M. ; MUELBERT, J. H. ; VIEIRA, J. P. ; SEELIGER, U. . The Patos Lagoon Estuary: biotic responses to natural and anthropogenic impacts in the last decades (1979-2008). In: Kennisch, M. and Paerl, H.. (Org.). Coastal Lagoons: Systems of Natural and Anthropogenic Change. 1ed.Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis /CRC Press, 2010, v. , p. 437-459. 

ODEBRECHT, C.; BERGESCH, Marli ; Medeanic, S. ; ABREU, P. C. . As comunidades de microalgas. In: U. Seeliger; C. Odebrecht. (Org.). O Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos um século de transformações. 1ed.Rio Grande: FURG, 2010, v. , p. 51-63. 

GODOY, L. C. ; Odebrecht, Clarisse ; MACHADO, T. G. M. ; BALLESTER, E. ; ABREU, P. C. ; WASIELESKI, W. . Tecnologia de bioflocos: criação sustentável de camarões marinhos. In: José Eurico P. Cyrino; Wilson M.Furuya; Ricardo P. Ribeiro; João Donato Scorvo. (Org.). Aquaciência 2008: Tópicos especiais em Biologia aquática e Aquicultura III. Jaboticabal: Sociedade Brasileira de Aquicultura e Biologia Aquática, 2010, v. , p. 227-236. 

GODOY, L. C. ; WASIELESKI, W. ; MACHADO, T. G. M. ; BALLESTER, E. ; ODEBRECHT, C. . Bioflocos: mecanismos de formação, caracterização da comunidade microbiana e valor nutricional. In: José E. P. Cyrino; Wilson M. Furuya; Ricardo P. Ribeiro; João Donato Scorvo Filho. (Org.). Aquaciência 2008. 1ed.Jaboticabal, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Aquicultura e Biologia Aquática, 2010, v. , p. 237-248. 

Odebrecht, Clarisse. Dinophyceae. In: Forzza, R. Campostrini et al.. (Org.). Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estudio, 2010, v. 01, p. 366-383.